Non-smoking & Non-vaping Policy

Statement Of Commitment

Trinity Square is a family-friendly shopping and leisure complex and we care about the wellbeing of ALL of our shoppers, visitors and employees so we are proud to be a smoke free zone.

Smoking tobacco and exposure to second hand smoke is known to increase the chances of developing cancers, heart disease and other serious illnesses. More research is needed into the safety of electronic cigarettes and until such time as they are declared safe, we will not discriminate between smoking and vaping and both practices are prohibited at Trinity Square.


Policy Statement

It is the policy of Trinity Square, Gateshead that the entire site including indoor and outdoor spaces are smoke free. This policy applies to anything that can be smoked, including cigarettes, pipes, cigars and herbal cigarettes, and it also applies to electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes).

No smoking and no vaping signs are displayed throughout the Square and there are also bins where cigarettes can be extinguished on entering the Square.

All employees of Trinity Square, visitors and shoppers are obliged to adhere to and support this policy. Customer Service staff will politely ask anyone found smoking at Trinity Square to stop or leave the Square.

*Patrons of Costa, Samba and Greggs can still use their designated outdoor smoking areas.


Updated: April 2024