We’re living in unprecedented times with the advent of Coronavirus which has impacted on all of our lives. At Trinity Square we have been working hard behind the scenes to create a safe and socially distant shopping system which aims to keep all of our shoppers safe. The system is now up and running and if you’ve not visited the centre recently you will now find a one-way shopping system and social distancing queuing for each shop.
We have also installed free hand sanitiser units throughout the Square, please use them frequently throughout your visit.
We realise this new way of shopping will take a while to get used to but we’ve put these measures in place to ensure we can all #staysafe #savelives and maintain the 2-metre social distance advised by the Government.
We thank you in advance for your support and participation. If you have any queries, please contact our Centre Manager via email: info@trinitysquaregateshead.com